I’m 4 months pregnant – the morning sickness is supposed to be OVER by now! It is so miserable just feeling nauseous all the time… but I think the reason I’m MOST disappointed that it hasn’t subsided is that the second trimester is supposed to be the time you feel the best (like, ever in your life), from stuff I’d read before being pregnant, at least. And I had all these big plans of things I was going to accomplish during these 3 months: get caught up with my scrapbooking , make lots of art, start an etsy site and start selling it… ‘cause once the baby comes, I know I’m going to have a very new focus in my life, and these things may have to take a backseat for a while. I mean I’ll still HAVE to create stuff… but won’t be able to dedicate large chunks of time to it – like I SHOULD be able to now. Pero, no. I’m already a month into the second trimester and all I do is lay around all the time. Ok, not completely, but by the time I do some laundry, grocery shopping, errands, cooking, cleaning (plus working full time) – all in between times of feeling so sick I just HAVE to lay down – there’s just not much time/energy left.
At least I have an amazing husband that supports me and loves me through all the whining, “I feel sick, but I HAVE to eat now. No that doesn’t sound good… no. no! blech! no. no. no. Ok we could try that…” and all my frustration with never getting anything done “all I did today was ONE load of laundry, and went to the grocery store and I threw up. :( ” He’ll say, “but did you do your ONE job for the day?? Taking care of the baby??” “yeah, I guess…” “then good job!! You accomplished everything you needed to today!” he’s sweet. And then there’s my sister Kristi… for mother’s day this year (my very first soon-to-be-mother’s day) she gave me a card that says she’ll clean my house once a week until next mother’s day, because she knows how tired I’ve been and that’s not gonna go away when the baby comes… omg. I am loved. I would NEVER do that for someone – such a huge sacrifice, with everything else going on in life. Thanks, sis!
The other part of what I was “supposed” to be doing during this time was getting ready for the baby! Such an incredibly gigantic life change is about to happen, and I feel like I haven’t even been able to think about it much/process/engage emotionally with the fact that a new little human is inside of me, forming… all that aside from physically preparing – nursery, picking names, shopping, etc – can’t even THINK about all that yet at this point! Guess I’ve been waiting till the morning sickness was over… but at this rate, I better start trying THROUGH it now! My mom was sick for 8 months with me, so hopefully this isn’t payback for that ;) and hopefully it’s not genetic… :) but I worked on some art today! My fingers and fingernails are all turquoise right now – have to show you when it’s done!
the baby at 10 weeks (7 weeks ago now! my little "joey" is much bigger now! and more human-looking ;)