Friday, April 30, 2010
more walks, more beauty
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
soul project
and i got to see some things from his perspective that i would never have noticed otherwise.
joey, what are you looking at? ...oh! something that has always kind of bothered me is how beautiful i find rusty objects. i mean, they're like decomposing! and it's always man-made stuff that is rusty and i find so fascinating - shouldn't i be so much more inspired by "nature"? flowers and animals and stuff? but i was thinking on this walk that God made rust, too... he made iron and he made it with the property that it begins to rust when exposed to weathering forces... now, there is probably some practical purpose in that, but couldn't it be, too, that he made it work that way because he knew it would delight people like me? that the history and texture something like rust adds to an object would just be a joy to some people he loves? just pondering...
Monday, April 12, 2010
my community

meanwhile, jason took joey to the doctor and came home with antibiotics :( he has an ear infection and some "chest congestion" left over from his cold a couple weeks ago. he was acting weird for a few days after this, so we stopped giving him the cough medicine... and i think he's back to himself now...
Friday, April 9, 2010
on a ROLL!

Monday, April 5, 2010
i'm making art!

token easter pic of joey: he LOVES this jumper (and completely ignores the chocolate ;)
jason looked at me yesterday and said "are you tired, baby?" and i realized that i can't remember the last time i wasn't tired... sometime before joey i guess... having a baby has been by far the hardest thing i have ever done in my life. and the most amazing... i'm tired :)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
making art!
today, jason went off-roading and i NEEDED a break. i spent 3 hours trying to post this and the last blog post... the combination of dead and dying batteries, low internet signal strength, and fussy babies just made it take FOREVER and i STILL didn't get the pictures posted! drama! soon and very soon though! cable people are coming tomorrow to install a router, so i don't have to go to panera to go on the internet :) all shall be well.
a week in the life...
joey has his first cold... and took his first self-portrait (i was holding him and the camera & he grabbed my hands and pushed my shutter finger!) in all his drooly glory...
i'm sick now too... but i made a pendant!
my parents have been here a week and a half now from Hawai'i! it's been so fun being all together as a family! joey gets to spend a bunch of time with his Mima & Papa Johnny...
i went to the doctor and got some antibiotics... my parents babysat... they've enjoyed watching joey and helping me out while i'm sick (and i have very much enjoyed the break!)
SO sick. but we drove out to my sister's house in Temecula... joey & i got to get taken care of by my parents and family. my mom made me gargle hot salt water and drink lots of tea with lemon and honey....