At least I have an amazing husband that supports me and loves me through all the whining, “I feel sick, but I HAVE to eat now. No that doesn’t sound good… no. no! blech! no. no. no. Ok we could try that…” and all my frustration with never getting anything done “all I did today was ONE load of laundry, and went to the grocery store and I threw up. :( ” He’ll say, “but did you do your ONE job for the day?? Taking care of the baby??” “yeah, I guess…” “then good job!! You accomplished everything you needed to today!” he’s sweet. And then there’s my sister Kristi… for mother’s day this year (my very first soon-to-be-mother’s day) she gave me a card that says she’ll clean my house once a week until next mother’s day, because she knows how tired I’ve been and that’s not gonna go away when the baby comes… omg. I am loved. I would NEVER do that for someone – such a huge sacrifice, with everything else going on in life. Thanks, sis!
The other part of what I was “supposed” to be doing during this time was getting ready for the baby! Such an incredibly gigantic life change is about to happen, and I feel like I haven’t even been able to think about it much/process/engage emotionally with the fact that a new little human is inside of me, forming… all that aside from physically preparing – nursery, picking names, shopping, etc – can’t even THINK about all that yet at this point! Guess I’ve been waiting till the morning sickness was over… but at this rate, I better start trying THROUGH it now! My mom was sick for 8 months with me, so hopefully this isn’t payback for that ;) and hopefully it’s not genetic… :) but I worked on some art today! My fingers and fingernails are all turquoise right now – have to show you when it’s done!

the baby at 10 weeks (7 weeks ago now! my little "joey" is much bigger now! and more human-looking ;)
Wow! That IS really generous of Christi. And knowing her, she'll do it to. I would be like, "Hey sis, I promise to do this for you!!!" but would totally forget or just laze out after a few weeks.
"Pero, no."
That made me laugh.
I miss you.
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