heart: started off with my 30th birthday, which we celebrated up in the mountains, in the lovely fall beauty. 
ahhhhh... jason gave me time to sit & rest & read & process out on the front porch of a cabin in the woods. lovely. and as a continuation of my "dreaming" from the october section... i have this desire to be a part of people's healing, making a safe place for them, being present with them, maybe incorporating art somehow... especially women... so the "big dream" is to somehow open a retreat center that can be a place of healing. so while we were in the mountains, we wandered around looking at possible properties to buy (which we canNOT ;) - but it was just good to nurture that dream (so facilitated by jason).

art: also on my birthday, i decided to stop actively promoting trying to sell my art, and just make it - to take a "break" for a year. my intention was to work in my art journal every day of that year... yeah, that lasted like a week.

April tells me that if i post a commitment like that on my blog, it keeps me accountable to do it, plus i can get feedback on my work, etc... so i'll let you know if i do ;) i do still have my items listed on etsy, and did sell some bangle bracelets this month... AND super-exciting... dun-dun-dunnn... i got one of my pendants featured in Cloth Paper Scissors! (the same magazine that i wasn't a finalist in that contest) i had no idea - just flipped it open, and there it was, on the table of contents! and then it was the biggest photo in the actual article (it was about a Christmas Art Swap :)
April tells me that if i post a commitment like that on my blog, it keeps me accountable to do it, plus i can get feedback on my work, etc... so i'll let you know if i do ;) i do still have my items listed on etsy, and did sell some bangle bracelets this month... AND super-exciting... dun-dun-dunnn... i got one of my pendants featured in Cloth Paper Scissors! (the same magazine that i wasn't a finalist in that contest) i had no idea - just flipped it open, and there it was, on the table of contents! and then it was the biggest photo in the actual article (it was about a Christmas Art Swap :)
family: Jason got a bunch more photo gigs this month!
WHBC date night:
the Eason family:
the Marriotts: 
and joey had his first birthday!!!! all growed up. ;)