heart: started the month off on a 4-day/3-night retreat in Colorado - the Captivating Woment's Retreat. jason stayed home with joey, letting me take off for so long! which was amazing. i got to take days and days of just focusing on God and his heart and my heart. lots of little healings and baby steps towards him and toward the abundant life he has for me... heard him speak again there and just really enjoyed being in the beauty of the colorado rockies. began to have a growing desire to dream... to really think big in what God could do with my life if i lived surrendered to Him, just with the specific passions & gifts unique to me... more on that next month ;) oh! and really began to discover the power of worship music for my soul. fell in love with Kari Jobe music on the retreat, and haven't stopped listening to it every day since ;)
lost my journal :( this is also very sad for my art soul because i used it to write down all my ideas for things to try... jason got me a new one, so i'm starting over!
art: sold a piece on etsy :)
family: jason continued his photo class got some awesome shots of joey :)
took a vacation to Hawai'i! to visit my parents who live on the Big Island, and for a marriage conference they were hosting (but mostly so they could see joey ;)
hiking to pololu beach
got to go to my absolute favorite place in the world. it doesn't really have a name... but my parents have named it Upolu Point, so that's what i call it, too. such crazy untamed wild beauty there in the sandstone and black lava cliffs, windswept gorgeous blue ocean below. but MY favorite part is all the rusty stuff! the entire area of the bluffs is covered in old milling equipment, car parts, etc. actually, it would be more accurate to say they are PART of the bluffs. it's all been there for so long that the rusty things have been buried, and look more like texture than recognizable objects. you might be able to guess that I of all people would love that! and paired with that wild ocean... amazing.
jason gets his first photo "gig" (at least recently), being the official photographer at a school, shooting "harvest" shots at Halloween time. oh, and i made joey's "joey" costume, and my "mama kangaroo" one just in time for the chick-fil-a contest http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=462250538813&set=a.462250043813.252600.131184493813
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