Monday, May 21, 2012

glimpses of community

a  corner of erica's gray-and-yellow beauty
so i have some wonderful friends who humor love me by coming over a couple evenings a month and "being creative" with me. we call it "artsycrafty club". i love it. just getting to share my studio space and introduce them to a little of my art-world... most of them claim to be "NOT creative". but they come play anyways :) and this week, i thought i'd share some  glimpses of the 3-dimensional collages they made friday night...
my sister kimmy's "random" piece - i think it came together so lovely and bright and fun!
blayne, our recently moved from portland friend, put a bird on it ;)
allison made me crop her name out of the shot of the piece (but i put it here anyway ;)
 i loved how maura picked so many of my little "finds" that i most adore, and put them all together!
jan totally departed from the 4x4 grid idea... she's an artist, so i figured she'd "break the rules" ;)

rachel's serengeti sunset loveliness 
 somehow, i never end up finding a chance to actually make something on these nights that i'm hosting... but i got inspired by having all my little bits of found "things" everywhere, so i'm working on my own piece now... maybe you'll see it soon ;)
the one thing i DID make that night- baked brie with basil and blackberries and apple wedges (thanks to indiana for the recipe! :)

and some glimpses of what i've been thankful for (completing the the rest of april)...

15. rain on a tin roof
16. boy laughter floating in from the backyard
17. a movie that brings unexpected tears
18. a blog post full of comments from seekers like me, making me feel less alone
19. a woman who writes so beautifully, it stirs my soul every time
20. a lone gull winging its way through dark grey sky over slow freeway traffic
21. unisom sleeptabs
22. feeling better today (4.16)
23. my boy begging me to read him "one more" book, as if it's not my favorite thing in the world to do
24. joey taking a nap today (4.27), allowing me to take one, since i ended up having to work a 12-hour shift unexpectedly tonight!
25. pink-striped skies and wind on my surprise drive into Los Angeles for work


Anonymous said...

So much fun!! Love how everyone's turned out so unique and different! Can't wait to see yours!
To be clear...the "R" is for Roth, not random :)

KimmyRoth said...

Wow! I actually commented! For some reason I thought I wasn't able to comment on your blog since I didn't have one. Yay!

Jan Leong said...

I don't think it is so much us loving you, as you loving us. There is something very powerful in what happens at Artsycraftsy. You crack the door to the deep and invite us in to play. Thank you for that.