Thursday, January 10, 2013

advent windows, part 2

VOUS ÊTES MON CŒUR (you are my heart)

gungor has been my constant companion ever since i "discovered" them the day my son was born four months ago. what artistry, what truth. when i saw the word courage on this page, i remembered i'd heard the word for "heart" in french came from the same root, and then this song proceeded to play on repeat in my heart for days (not a bad thing, in this case ;)

day 7: PLAY

chase courage
a guitar she'd already been playing

this "found poem" actually initiated my thinking about bravery, which eventually led to starting my new blog, and being ever so brave.

the opposite page held scattered across it the words:

i found hope
in a wooden chest
loaded onto the wagon
looking mighty

(but i hate the way the page turned out, so you don't get to see it unless we are very dear friends in real life, and you beg)


this day was sweet. i felt like God was inviting me more into my identity, made art plans and played. most significantly, i began to dream up a little headpiece/crown lovely celebration of who i am in his eyes (which reminds me - i need to work on/finish/wear that thing! and whirl in it as my prudychick friend suggested, seeing the word on the page ;)
day 9: CREATE

the day i {heard} that my story needs to be told. that i need to write. let people see. share the beauty and the mess. another tiny step towards what became my new blog (and the story-coaching session i will be having tomorrow night with Elora!)

bound up
bucking just like a wild horse, down
nailed to the ground

the bloom caught
tore loose

protect, find
in the air like a bird in flight,
sail daylight

she woke out of her doze and took off
wind holding ground
finally able to talk
day 10: ACCEPT

this was another rich day for me. just deciding to ACCEPT {me} was a huge step, still in process. i also ACCEPTed an etsy package from turkey, holding a lovely crocheted peter pan collar :) also, stay tuned for a glimpse of all the things i'm ACCEPTing in the january art journaler prompts, all circling around ACCEPTance.

mighty soul melody
open filled lungs

day 11: READ

i was amazed. i opened a hundred-year-old book of collected poetry this day and found words that resonated on the first page i read! i had never been one for poetry. in my former life of uncreativity, i just couldn't handle the non-concrete nature of them. now i adore that very quality. writing them, reading them... i have found a new love. and after i made this page, i realized how much that doodle looks like a pregnant woman about to give birth... LOVE. i have just given birth to my second (likely last) child, and now i am giving new life, birth to my story. in the form of or art or writing or storytelling...
day 12: REMEMBER
i don't REMEMBER what happened, and why i have no proof of this day, but this word followed me around in my wallet for a week, and every time i saw it, i REMEMBERed to be present, engage with life and God and advent and promptings and love.

day 13: FLIRT

i had been dreading this day, but it ended up being one of the best.
i hung the mistletoe,
asked my 3-year-old out on a date, and went on one with my love, made googly-love-eyes at my 3-month-old... and received flowers and starbucks special delivery on my front porch midday (thanks to jason's special helper), and enjoyed little kisses from the creator in the form of lovely leaves and nature...

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