Saturday, January 21, 2012


the third assignment from the first (yes, the FIRST) day of class (she gave us like 8 that day, ok?! ;) it was way harder than i expected. i think mostly the ribcage, because a) i was drawing from a preserved skeleton, but the cartilage had all turned black, so it was hard to interpret where the ribs were, and b) the background was black (mine was white, you may have noticed ;) and there were almost ZERO shadows on this guy (in my human anatomy book from freshman year in college), so i kind of felt like i was making it up. that was a way longer apology explanation than this 10-minute drawing deserved.

looking at the anatomy book, though, inspired me to think about incorporating more anatomical drawings into my work. this has been something i've considered before, since i'm a nurse, and so have a little bit of an inside look to the human body.

also, i LOVE the opening credits on the show, House - have you seen them? anatomical drawings, text, MRI's, textures...LOVE. side note: i also love all the drawing in the sherlock holmes movies (especially the credits ... i just start smiling when they come on :).

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