Saturday, January 21, 2012

this week...

 don't worry - i've still been making art and being creative this week... just haven't also had time to post about it (i've had a cold, and joey hasn't been napping much, so i'm pretty exhausted, among other things ;)... so here was basically my week (i've taken sundays off thus far):

Monday: finished painting this lady... i'm still not happy with it, but it's way better than it was! she went through phases of being pasty-white-sickly-looking, little-miss-sunburned-pinky, and fake-tan-orange girl before finally ending up like this :)
as i went through the stages of making her, my two-year-old kept eyeing my progress with his usual running commentary: "mommy, is that your playdough? what you making?" and then, "you made a person, mommy? i like it. :)" and the best "what's she doing, mommy? praying?" yep, buddy, that's exactly what she's doing: praying.

 tuesday: ok, this was the craft at MOPS, but i'm counting it as being creative... i did come home and paint the frame white ;) it's dry-erase - cute, right?
wednesday: pencil drawing of an animal (leopard? ocelot? cheetah? my son assures me it's a cheetah) my husband photographed on our trip to israel a few years ago... i chose it because i identified with the pose ;)
 thursday: got out and made some "art in nature". i had picked all these hollowed-out, almost petrified pomegranates off my sister's tree last weekend before i even saw the assignment this week, and i was like "perfect! i actually have a use for them, besides just enjoying them myself!" :) took joey to run around at the park while i arranged and rearranged dried pomegranates ("you touching the ew, mommy?"). it was great. now i want to draw some of these combinations :D

 friday: a journal page assignment. wrote a bunch of stuff down and then painted over it :) it was supposed to be about the "season" we're in (eg, winter)... since we don't exactly have distinguishable seasons around here, i thought about what DOES happen only at certain times of year... the migration of the monarch butterflies ends with them wintering in southern california - perfect! in pismo beach, near where i grew up, there's this grove of eucalyptus trees by the beach that is currently (probably - i'm not there right now to check) covered in these orange beauties!

and today, saturday... we shall see!


Angela DiGiovanni | life * poetry * art said...

I love how your child responded to your clay girl <3 so sweet. Can't wait to get out my clay. Your leopard drawing is beautiful!

rustyartist said...

thanks, angela :) hope you have better luck with your clay than i have! i need to head back and get some of that doll-making stuff misty uses - it looks so much easier to work with ;)