rest of august:
art: came back from those art workshops totally inspired and made a bunch of mixed-media, encaustic art & jewelry

family: jason's birthday drive down the coast, joey turned 9 months, jason starts taking a photo class at Biola that took up 6 hours/week of class time plus the projects (maybe this was part of why i felt like i had less time for things like blogging last semester ;)

heart: i had been reading the book Captivating all year, little by little, and came to a part about spiritual warfare, and it made me want to stand up and FIGHT! the last seven years have been so doubt-filled and hopeless... but the idea that there is an ENEMY of my soul trying to derail me, my marriage, my journey to really get to the depths... inspired me to stand up to him! we went to Biola & met with Dr. Arnold who prayed for us & against spiritual forces in our lives... and for the first time in years (maybe ever) i sensed God's presence with me, within me. suddenly, the ever-lingering doubt was gone - the fog of confusion dissipated. wow. major turning point in my spiritual life.
heart: as i continued to work through the Captivating book & accompanying journal, i began to sense God speaking to me. telling me i was his, his bride, his beauty... things i so long doubted. at this point, i feel like there can never really be turning back to the doubt from before - i really KNOW he spoke to me. so he HAS to be real. and he loves me. really. not because he "has to" 'cause he's God. not "tolerates" me. delights in me! he still has to remind me daily, but it's truth... that i can hold onto. amazing.
art: this was a hard time for my art & soul... my favorite magazine had a contest for "artisan of the year 2011", which i thought i had a chance for... submitted some of my favorite pieces in a couple different categories, and waited... 

and was not one of the finalists :( i was a little crushed. i put a few creative things on hold then because of my sorrow... but never completely. jason kept encouraging me that i had to be brave and keep making art - that it was a part of my soul that had to be nourished (he's so great ;) so i chose to be brave and keep going... after a bit... i even stopped hosting artsycrafty club for a couple months because of it (and busyness)! back on now, though ;)
family: we had quite a busy month with lots of trips and camping! we went camping with our sunday school class at San Clemente, and then did a whirlwind tour of northern california, where joey got to meet his great-grandparents (my dad's parents) for the first time, and finally ending up in Yosemite for another camping trip! jason lost his wedding ring there :( joey learned to pull up & "cruise" which he was quite happy about, and turned 10 months!
you'll have to wait for the next installment... joey's nap is over! :)
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