Monday, May 14, 2012

poetry: a heptastich

a heptastich (poem of 7 lines) written the day i found out i was pregnant with my second child... 
i posted it in our Open Studio facebook group as my announcement

my body, cradling another
deep within, a seed
erupts with furious growth
swelling, dividing, proliferating
maturing until autumn
unknown until today

ever since i took a photo of one hollowed pomegranate cradling another, i've thought how much that looked like pregnancy... now i finally painted it! i made it colors that would match the boys' room...

and while i was painting the above piece this afternoon, joey was painting this one...
ok, so mommy may have put the stickers on the canvas before, and taken them off at the end, but he chose all the colors and did the actual painting, determined to give it to auntie kristi once it was complete! he's TWO, folks - there are non-cheesy projects you can do with a toddler! :)
his desk setup right next to mommy's studio area