Tuesday, March 23, 2010

come and gone

joey's fourth month birthday was friday. i didn't come anywhere close to my goal of creating and /or blogging every day... but it was better than it's ever been! i blogged 8 times in that month, and i'd only EVER blogged 9 times before that (the whole year of 2009+). so it's an improvement! and i made stuff maybe an average of every other day...? i discovered how hard it is to really buckle down and do it when there's this all-time-consuming little person with me 24/7! maybe the older he gets, the more he'll entertain himself and i can play when he plays? he came down with his first cold yesterday, AND got his 4 month shots! pobrecito.
but in happier news... i got a new camera and it's aqua-colored! and i'm getting a new (to me) laptop, too! so my blogging career may be just beginning to take off (i dream of no more frustrations with uploading photos, converting them from RAW, etc. ;) watch out, world, here i come! ;D