Thursday, March 10, 2011

the absence from "my absence"

wow. so much. this last month or so has been a whirlwind! so much busyness, but mostly so much GOOD STUFF. the main thing being joining the new church plant of Whittier Hills Uptown, and joining the leadership team as "aesthetics coordinator"! how crazy is that? when you look back at my last few months, and where God has been taking me, and the passions he's begun to develop in me... i can't think of any better way to be in ministry right now! creating a space where people's hearts can be drawn to worship through nature and beauty and truth... so excited...! for now it's been a lot more "big picture" stuff - getting the zumba wall full of mirrors (and the ugly mauve carpet accordion walls) covered with canvas & fabric, figuring out the lighting situation - that one still needs help... putting together a team of both aesthetically-minded people, and the "muscles" of the setup of it :) so exciting. and so risky for me, because it truly is my HEART i'm putting out there for everyone to see, to like or not like, to notice or just pass by... but God's the one who's brought me here, and HE sees the beauty & desire in my heart to glorify him by putting myself out there... so here we go, adventure!!!

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