moldy grapefruits at a friend's house

i love how this piece became a self-potrait because of the little reflection when i took the picture :)

a spread in my art journal, the beginnings of a series exploring art as worship,
using lyrics from Kari Jobe worship songs as the subject matter
so i made a few pieces and i wrote another "poem"; which was really more like journaling, but i was doing a specific exercise where i created a list of words by flipping through a book and just writing down like 20 words from different pages, and then using them as the starting point for the poem (thank you, Liz Lamoreaux for this idea):
untitled poem #2 (using "found words" from Love & War by John & Stasi Eldredge)
i want brokenness, i do
but it can be so tiring
feel so needy
like the struggle is too much
at least too much for others to
walk with me through it
the search for healing
has to start with knowing there is a wound
and safety in one who has also hurt
who has bled to take my pain
and trust that there is more
on the other side
keep reaching, keep opening, keep desiring
and life becomes more than drudgery
the biggest adventures, lived every day
beyond beautiful
expeditions in love
the terrain of the heart
true, there is an enemy of my soul
the accuser
who tries to steal me away
but he can never truly win
for i have been won
and he must remain outside
barred from the doors of my spirit
so that i am free to believe
to hear what is true
from my lover
that he has never left me
will never leave me
lives within me
with me, always in me
so i am never alone
and loved to the depths
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