heart: just continuing with God in the life of my heart, discovering things i still need to learn from Him, and getting glimpses of his heart of love for me...
art: mostly worked on Christmas gifts (like my free-motion-stitched fabric cuffs i made for my mom & sisters... and myself ;)... got a couple of awesome art books for Christmas that inspired me to start writing poetry (me??!) and making art more frequently.
family: Christmas! my entire family was together for once! mom & dad flew in from hawai'i and sister jenna and her boyfriend izzy flew in from honduras (via el salvador) on Christmas Day! and then on new year's eve, they got engaged! yep, another 11.11.11 wedding comin' up!
joey brushed his little teeth for the first time ;)
and we got to take another trip to Yosemite - our first time seeing it in the snow!

and it. was. amazing. indescribable. joey loved the snow, and we loved seeing the beauty.

here's a "poem" i wrote when we got back (pretty much my first attempt at writing poetry, ever. so don't judge. ;)

untitled stream of consciousness/word toolbox poem:
i begin heavy
my soul altering its own expression
unnerved, uncomfortable with my attempt
to tell of my heart of concrete
sinking, disappointed, overboard
the soil of my soul furrowed
in weariness and readiness
unnerved by the unpredictability of life
and jesus and my own self
longing for brilliant light to be shed
but feeling it blocked by my own jungle canopy
wishing for a perfect world
where i am desired and not demanded, startled
often by deep pursuit, a whirlwind of desire
expressed and met in a storybook affair
dangerous in an odd sort of way
but instead i pass my days harmlessly, in monotony
with the scope of a merely human view
meanwhile the heavens are popping with static
as a war wages over the souls of men
a struggle unseen
only even sensed by those really tuned in
i've had glimpses
of his love and his abundant life
but as soon as they've come, i've blinked
and they've gone
the forest on monday, one such moment
the bare branches with their layers of snow
lacy and pristine
something only a God of beauty would create
moments where i have sensed his heart touch mine
seeing my heart soften and enlarge
from the moment my son became
a part of my life
now some of my deepest joys
being with him
a kiss, a tickle, a hug
such delight
brought by the same one that saps me
of my energy
so beautiful
my babylove
i end buoyant, thankful
for the blessings of a child
a strong lover
a beautiful God
a healthy body
this time to myself
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