i had to put this picture in and say something because it was seriously a tragic day for me... i had sold these four pendants on etsy, and got them all packaged up, all pretty & safe for sending to the east coast. i planned to take them to the post office after thursday morning Bible study, but alas, i left them on top of the car. and didn't know it till i turned onto a main street and the box went flying out into lanes of traffic...! i couldn't pull over right there, so i went around the block, and saw cars avoiding my package - a huge truck went around it right as i was getting out of my car to pick it up. then, the unthinkable... this little sedan comes roaring through and crushes my box to bits right before my eyes. (this is the tragic part ;) ...i recovered all i could of my pendants (technically not MINE anymore, someone had already bought them!), broken pieces of buttons, twisted wire, intact hardware... and went to Bible study, a bit distressed and distracted... came home and let my customer know... she insisted that it was not a "tragedy", and waited for me to "remake" them, as close as possible to the originals. the pic is actually of the reworked ones, ready to send off (again)! i got them fixed pretty well, and pretty quickly (although she was in no rush - she is planning to use them as Christmas ornaments - she said "you only have eleven months!" - haha) and all was well... so glad there are nice and understanding people in the world. she even loved that i left one of the broken buttons in one of them - said it gave them a "backstory", making them more interesting! :) i wish i had a picture on here of how they looked destroyed, for full effect, but i can't find them... alas, another "tragedy" ;)
ope! found it! tragedy averted (i know. huge earthquakes and tsunamis and nuclear crises are tragedies. not this. but to my heart on that day it was ;)

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